2013년 11월 19일 화요일



Daun Han

Good Evening, middle school students of all of everywhere in Singapore! You must enjoy this opportunity of doing various and exciting exercises in here, Middle school Exercise Express Camp! I am really honored to meet you today. My Name is Daun Han, chairperson for THOS - the Teenager Healthcare Organization of Singapore. Tonight, I have come and stood before you to discuss the bad side of media which is related to making your body image.

Before we start , I’d like to ask. Do you satisfy with your body now? I am pretty sure you are not. Because 7 middle school student out of 10 have a complex on their outfit. Why such many people think so?  It’s due to the photographs you always see through various media.

Do you like using facebook? Twitter? Or Tumblr? I am sure you do. Social media has been a big part of your life as your best friends and regarded as the most effective medium to create your thinking. However, you must know Social media is not always in your side.

What do you see in social media? You usually see photographs of Hollywood stars or people who have nice body with pretty or handsome face everywhere. And those images would make you want to become like one of those pictures. This is because people want to be a person whom everyone wants to be. Nevertheless, you would never see their hidden effort to have good body image. You only see their pretty and shinny side and think “Wow, that’s nice!”

I am saying that is the problem. Other teenagers who do not know the truth get stressed a lot with their outfit. They become try to fix their photograph before uploading on a site or do too many exercises to make their body image just like those photographs both in online and offline.

You need to know how editors change the photographs of model before they publish them, you need to know how people on social media fix their outfit before they submit and you need to know how Hollywood stars do their best to make and keep their body image. Unless, those pictures in Social media actually decrease your self esteem and make you not like yourselves. You should know truth and not to be blinded by them.

In conclusion, Thank you all and Middle school Exercise Express Camp for inviting me today and please be proud of you.

2013년 10월 28일 월요일

Health Photograph Notes

MINDFULFITNESSMOVEMENT. "Does This Make My Abs Look Good?: The Top 4 Male Body Image Issues." Mind Fit Move. N.p., 26 Mar. 2013. Web. 28 Oct. 2013. <http://blog.mindfitmove.com/tag/does-this-make-my-abs-look-good-the-top-4-male-body-image-issues/>.

Caption: Does this make my abs look good?: 

- Topic:  the side effect of people's excessive desire for good body image.
- Oppinion: people can not rely only the artificial equipment. 
- mapping: describe photo, respond to the caption with my opinion and example of it. 

- man siting on sofa and watching TV.
- looks comfortable &smiling
- having a equipment on his belly, called ab hancer, which enable men have a fake six pack.
- people want good outcome of body image in a short time without any effort as the photo
- people need to try hard themselves. ex: I have a friend in my home contry who tried to lose weight by drug. She failed and get more weight then before -> she eat more than before.
- similar with my contry. People want to have better body image but easily.
- Good result is not gain easily. People need to do exercises if they want to lose weight and have good body images